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clashing identities,

the deconstruction of home

a homage to cinema through live art

led by the wind

dniw eht yb del

by Kiki Ye

by Kiki Ye

Part lecture theatre, Led By The Wind blends comedy, physical theatre and moving images to push narrative boundaries with the story of


an East Asian lesbian who finds herself stranded in London, with no home go back to.

Created using autobiographical material from Kiki Yip, K is a little clumsy, a little shy, and a little all over the places. She’s here to share a tea with you, and tell you a little about the awkward situation she’s in, a family she can’t be honest to, a woman of her dream, and 相亲 - a Chinese dating tradition where instead of writing up 10 different profiles for 10 different apps, you hand in your CVs and your headshot to your parents…

Director: Kiki Ye

Associate Director: He Zhang



Kiki Ye

Vivi Wei

He Zhang


Movement Director: Xiaonan Wang

Dramaturge: Jovienne Jin, Diana Miranda

Sound Design: Jovienne Jin

Scenography: Joanna Liu

Stage Manager: Ting-Ning Wen

With Special Thanks to:

An-Ting Chang / Theatre Deli

Actors East / Ugly Duck


Production History
2022 Nov-Dec 1st round of R&D
2022 December Shoreditch Townhall 15 mins sketch showcase as part of the Kakilang's Creative Lab
2023 February - March 2nd R&D
2023 1st March 60 mins WIP sharing @ Blue Elephant Theatre
2023 July - August 3rd Rework & Redevise
2023 15th & 16th, 60mins WIP performance @Applecart Arts
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